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Monday, October 28, 2013

Christmas Weight Loss - It Could Not Be Easier When You Learn How to Cheat the Right Way

Do you think Christmas weight loss is an impossibility? Do you really want to lose weight this Christmas season but see no realistic way it can work? I would like to share with you a strategy that can let you breeze through this season enjoying all your favorite holiday meals and parties and actually using these foods to speed your fat loss. If you are curious to see if this can work for you then I encourage you to take a couple of minutes to read on.

Christmas Weight Loss

If you have been a traditional dieter meaning you have gone on a diet, cut your calories and kept them low week after week you likely look at the Christmas season as a dieting nightmare. But I would like to point out something about the traditional diet model so you can see how an alternative might work.

When you keep your calories low week after week your body adapts to this lower food intake by slowing your metabolism. Now this is a problem because your metabolism is what determines if you burn fat or not so when your metabolism slows so does your fat loss.

You may have accepted this in the past but there is a different approach. Consider this, if eating lower calories slows your metabolism, what would speed it up? Yep, you guessed it - eating more!

So by adding one high calorie eating day to your dieting week you actually create an environment inside your body that allows your to lose weight and keep your fat burning metabolism high so the weight comes off week after week. And if you simply plan your Christmas party or meal to be your weekly "cheat day" then you easily lose weight.

I challenge you to test this for yourself and prove that Christmas weight loss can be a reality, you will love the results and once you are hooked you will use this over and over again to keep your weight off.

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