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Monday, September 30, 2013

A Look at the Diet Pill as a Weight Loss Supplement

A weight loss supplement such as a diet pill is a tempting quick fix to your weight loss problems. A diet pill serves as a weight loss supplement, functioning as an agent to aid in weight loss with no effort and no sweat. But with the influx of diet pills in the market today, it is hard to tell which of these pills are effective and which are not. How effective are diet pills in weight loss?

Finding the magic bullet

A diet pill is a weight loss supplement that claims to help you lose weight, feel fit, boost your energy, and burn fat. Sounds like a magic drug, right? It all seems too good to be true. But with millions of Americans suffering from obesity, many have taken that leap of faith to trust in these pills to help shave off the excess pounds.

According to reports, the diet pill industry has turned into a lucrative multibillion dollar industry in America.

Diet pill varieties

A diet pill as a weight loss supplement comes in different forms, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs and herbal supplements. As of today, over-the-counter diet pills are sold everywhere. Most of these non-prescription pills have not been tested by the US FDA, so their effects are still unknown.

Does it work?

A diet pill acts as a weight loss supplement. But does it work? Many over-the-counter pills claim to provide results in just a month or less. This sounds too good to be true - and they are.

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HCG for Weight Loss - Helpful Hints for Greater Success

HCG for weight loss is a positive technique for dropping unwanted pounds. You can finally have the body you desire, you can improve your physique, you can improve your mood and mindset, and you will feel better about yourself when those pounds finally come off. Here are some fast tips to making your weight loss endeavors successful when using HCG products.

HCG for weight loss is far more successful when you follow the rules. Don't make up your own rules as you go along. Read the protocol carefully and understand that the diet is designed to work a specific way. Don't under eat, over exercise or over use HCG drops and injections in the hopes that you will speed up weight loss even more. Instead, adhere to the regulations of the diet and you will see the pounds fall off faster than you might imagine.

HCG for weight loss is more successful if you have a support system in place. If you don't want to tell your family or closest friends that you are dieting, then you can find communities online and meet up with people in forums for the positive support you need. There is no reason whatsoever to go it alone when you are dieting. As you meet others, you can swap recipes, exercise ideas, and you can give each other the mental and emotional support you need to adhere to the dieting plan.

Bear in mind that just because the HCG for weight loss plan is powerful, fast, and effective, it doesn't mean you do not require some will power. There are still times that you will want to have unnecessary snacks, and you may be tempted to eat things you shouldn't. There will be times when you have to battle emotional eating habits, and you will have to get used to the approved foods you can eat. Maintain a stick to it attitude and you will be well rewarded. It will take a few weeks, but your mind and body will eventually adjust to the new eating habits you are slowly developing.

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hollywood Weight Loss Secrets For You?

Does Hollywood have weight loss secrets that'll work for you? Actually, yes they do.

Obviously there are some Hollywood weight loss diets that are crazy to use over the long term, but I'm going to talk about something else that you can use right away to lose weight fast. Two secrets are listed below.

First off, a lot of those bodies in Hollywood are because of plastic surgery. A lot of them!

Second, most Hollywood actresses don't work any harder in the gym than you. They can't eat better than you no matter how much money they can use to buy food. Healthy foods are cheap, generally speaking.

The advantage Hollywood actresses have over you is that they can pay someone like me a lot of money for quick tricks and shortcuts for faster weight loss.

Here are 2 secrets you can do to get the quick results that so many Hollywood actresses get with weight loss.

1. Spin around like a child... no, not spinning on a stationary bike

Yes, as crazy as it may seem, you can spin around in a circle to lose weight. Here's how.... spin clockwise with your arms out like airplane wings. Spin 5-15 times to get slightly dizzy. That is the key, slightly dizzy, not extremely dizzy.

Why this works? Because your Endocrine System controls your hormones and since you and most other people have hormonal imbalances, you have a hard time losing weight and being 100% healthy. Spinning fixes that by balancing your hormones, thus making it smooth sailing for quicker weight loss.

I'm leaving out some important details, but you can find them in my free 19 page report if you click the link below.

2. Vacuum pose to lose 1.75 inches from your waist

The vacuum pose is similar to just plain sucking in your stomach. However, the key difference is that you suck in your belly button and lower belly area, not your upper belly. So suck it in and hold that position for 15-60 seconds. The longer the better. Rest, then repeat.

Do this for 5 minutes a day and you'll lose about 1.75 inches from your waist like hundreds of my clients.

So if you're interested in Hollywood weight loss secrets, try the 2 above exercises for some speedy fat loss.

For More Related Topics Blog: Workout Routines Weight Loss

Effective Weight Loss Tips

If you are looking for an effective weight loss tip, then I actually have three for you: Resistance training, Cardio training, and Proper nutrition. A good combination of these 3 will give you the needed effective weight loss tip you have been looking for.

Nutrition should be the foundation of a good weight loss program. Actually, nutrition is important in life in general. Steer clear of anything processed. Here is a challenge for you: The next time you are shopping in the grocery store, do not buy anything canned or frozen or preserved. Better yet, just shop on the outside isles of the store. This will be fruits and vegetables, fresh breads, dairy sources, and meats. Hmmm.....actually sounds pretty healthy to me.

Cardio training is what will help expedite your weight loss. A good cardio program is having you heart rate up at around 120 for 30-45 minutes at least 3-4 times a week. There is no need to over do it here. You should just be doing something. It could even be chopping wood, or walking, or gardening, or mowing the grass. Any of these cardio exercises help to strengthen your heart, and start burning fat, thus increasing the calorie burn.

Resistance training will help build muscles. This would be any type of weight lifting or strength training. The best part about weights is the added muscle you will build takes more calories to maintain. This means an increase in your metabolism. You will have more energy and feel better all around. If you are a woman, and are concerned about getting masculine, then don't. It is much harder for women to achieve that muscular look than men. You will still be feminine.

Resistance, cardio, and nutrition are effective weight loss tips you can follow. If you can use these 3 in conjunction with one another, you are sure to be very successful with your weight loss program.

For More Related Topics Blog: Fast Weight Loss Men

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Best Kept Weight Loss Abs Secret Revealed!

Man vs. Machine: How Best to Lose Unwanted Fat

So here it is: Machines don't work - they actually work against you.

I've spent over a decade working and consulting for fitness companies and I can tell you as an "insider" that machine circuits are the favorite selling tool to convince beginners to sign-up. They lead you to believe that they are easy to use and will get you results.

First off, most of the time you don't even know which way to get into one of those massive contraptions and second, they are at least 30% less effective than other forms of exercises.

Closed chain (feet on ground), compound exercises (multi-joint) are head and shoulders better than machine workouts. There's no comparison since machines don't allow you to move how your body was designed to. The great thing about these recommended non-machine workouts is that you can take them anywhere with minimal equipment. I usually just choose a dumbbell based workout or even body weight only exercises.

What about ab machines?

Don't even get me started on ab machines and the infomercials that promote them! Without going into it too much detail, you'd need to do about 25,000 crunches to equal 1lb of weight loss and you'll still never see your abs. To really see your abs you need to shed the fat that is covering them (not make them stronger, but they don't tell you that...).

The fitness models you see on TV have probably never used or heard of those products before being paid to promote them.

So, not only are they ineffective, but most ab machines put you at a high risk for injuring your lower back from too much forward bending without counter-balancing it with any back extension... and nobody with a bad back has good looking abs.

You already have everything you need to get your body in great shape. Skip the fancy equipment and stick with what works. Your body will look and feel healthier and be in better shape!

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Cinnamon For Weight Loss - Cinnamon Benefits

Cinnamon has an amazing list of benefits including brain health, preventing ulcers and of course cinnamon for weight loss. Cinnamon has shown the ability to make the body more insulin resistant. Helping to control our blood sugar levels and avoid insulin spikes to help ward off diabetes and the pre-diabetes metabolic syndrome.

Cinnamon has an amazing list of benefits including brain health, preventing ulcers and of course cinnamon for weight loss. Cinnamon has shown the ability to make the body more insulin resistant. Helping to control our blood sugar levels and avoid insulin spikes to help ward off diabetes and the pre-diabetes metabolic syndrome.

I have been using cinnamon powder and cinnamon tea bags for 3 months now and already see noticeable improvement especially around the stomach and abdomen area which seems to be holding less fat than it usually holds.

You can buy your cinnamon in many different forms with the most common being

- Cinnamon Sticks

- Cinnamon Powder (added sugar for cakes, biscuits)

- Cinnamon Powder without the sugar

- Cinnamon Tea Bags

Cinnamon has a very distinct taste and you may find it hard to get used to the sugar free cinnamon so its an idea to move slowly from the sugary one to the sugar free. ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder daily can also lower cholesterol and keep you feeling healthy.

It also has the ability to prevent clotting of the blood which can be great for the elderly and a good reason to start using cinnamon for baking delicious cakes, biscuits and pancakes.

My favourite way to get my cinnamon powder is to take a couple teaspoons of organic no sugar added cinnamon powder and add it to all natural organic yoghurt or Greek yoghurt. Mixed with some frozen berries it makes a great combination giving you plenty of nutrients, anti-oxidants form the berries as well as the beneficial bacteria found in yoghurt to keep your digestive system happy and absorbing all those nutrients.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Plans That Work

Friday, September 27, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Diet For Fast Weight Loss - 3 Features to Look For in a Diet to Get a Lean Body Quickly & Naturally!

Have you been searching all over for a diet for fast weight loss, but you just can't seem to find one that works? Alright, take 2 quick minutes out of your day to read this article here and discover 3 very important features to look for in a diet in order to get fast and natural results!

1.) The very first thing you should look for is if the diet is based on proper nutrition. Getting 100% proper nutrition is the only true way to lose weight and fat quickly and naturally. This means you should stay away from low carb, low fat, low calorie, starvation, etc. types of programs. The problem with those diets is that they will reduce your metabolism!

2.) The next thing you should look for is if the diet is based on naturally increasing your metabolism. Getting your metabolism raised to the maximum peak with 100% natural methods is a surefire way to get faster weight loss and fat loss.

3.) The last thing you should take note of with a diet is if the program is easy to follow. What I mean by this is the diet should simply be based on just naturally changing around your eating patterns (without restricting calories or nutrients) to trigger your body into increasing fat burning hormones without doing anything strict or dangerous.

If you find a diet based on those 3 key features above, not only will you get extremely fast results, you will get that perfect body much more consistently and permanently!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Free of Extra Weight in Three Days!

Acai berry is known to have a lot of benefit effects on the body. Some people even testify to it sending their cancer into remission. The problem is that most of these results have not been proven by special research. And because of this, a lot of people miss out. I was myself unsure if I would try it out, but now I am happier than ever.

If you look around the Internet for information about the acai berry you will see that there are a lot of people that claim it has amazing results when it comes to weight loss. They do not make the details of their experiments, but even without such details the idea is tempting to say the least.

Despite being skeptical I decided to give this remedy a try only because of the sheer amount of people that say it provides great results. I ordered my own supply and I have just started the treatment. I have a few extra pounds and I believe I am a prime subject.

Those aforementioned tests you can find online claim that the average test subject lost 14 pounds in 3 days! Yes 14 pounds in three days. If that is not impressive wait until you hear how much they lost in 14 days: 22 pounds on average. Some people report that they have actually lost up to 30 pounds.

This may sound exaggerated and of course you have the right to skeptic. I have ordered my berry supply from Ultra Prime, which is a reputable company. This way is not expensive and I believe that it is worth a try. Maybe I will be one of those people that lose 30 pounds in 14 days.

11 Tips For Effortless Weight Loss

If you're tired of diets and strict workout regimes that promise to lose weight fast but that make you eat less and take a lot of you time, I have some tips that you can follow. Stop eating what you like is not easy but by following a few tips, you will lose weight without much effort. Most of people do not like to follow a specific menu but if you follow some of these basic steps, it can make you lose weight up to 3kg in one week:

* Take plenty of water. The water can moisturize your body and gives an incredible feeling of satiety.

* If you need a craving for sweets, eat a sweet fruit. Avoid mangoes, avocados and grapes, they are very fattening.

* Eat plenty of watermelon. It has a lot of fluids, satisfies the hunger and hydrates the body.

* Stop eating or rather decrease, consumption of rice and white bread. If you eat beans, mix it with some salad.

* The breakfast should be your main meal. Eat papaya, bread, milk and yogurt.

* At lunch, make a salad plate colorful. Mix lettuce, carrot stew, arugula, cabbage, tomato and pour over wheat fiber or flax. Do not use seasonings.

* At dinner, eat a light soup. If you do not want to go to the kitchen cooking it, I suggest taking one of those packet soups in single serving and less than 110 calories. Just put it in a cup, mix with water and place it in a microwave.

* Avoid consumption of simple carbohydrates. Eat lots of vegetables and legumes.

* Eat meat only three times a week along with a salad for lunch.

* Between meals, always eat fruits or cereals.

* If there is no exercise, weight loss can be difficult. Use the stairs instead the elevator and walk every day if you think going to the gym is hard.

If you follow all the tips above, you are one step ahead to lose weight. For to lose weight you not only need to change your eating habit and start to exercise, you also need to change your lifestyle. Change from less healthy to healthier lifestyle. So, you must be willing to change because it's the only way that the ideal weight you dream about sustained.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Guaranteed Weight Loss - 3 Secrets To Drop 30 Plus Pounds

If you are looking for Guaranteed Weight Loss then there are some things that you need to know and put into action to drop weight fast. I often have clients ask me about secrets to really explode their weight loss to get them to the next level and quickly. These are 3 of the things I tell them and also the 3 key things I live by to maintain a healthy and fit body.

1. Instead of 3 Large Meals, Split Them Up To 6 Smaller Ones.

This is the most important thing I mention to everyone. Why? Because this single habit is the difference between losing 1lb. and losing 10lbs. Your body needs fuel throughout the entire day, so naturally you should feed it small amounts to fuel up and energize. Large meals 3 times a day does nothing but slow the metabolism down and keep you from your weight loss goals.

2. Learn how to implement the Calorie Shifting ideas

It's theorized that your body burns calories off of a memory of the food intake you have had over the last few days. Learning to manipulate this feature of your body will enable you to trick your body into attacking your fat stores. Calorie Shifting is an amazingly simple thing to do for guaranteed weight loss.

3. Add Circuit Training to Your Routine

If you have ever done circuit training, you know exactly why I'm mentioning it. What you will need to do it pick 5 or so lifts and perform each lift with lighter weight, (emphasis on more reps) for roughly 1-2 minutes at a time. So say you do barbell bench presses at 45lbs. as many times as you can in 2 minutes, you would then switch directly to another lift working out another part of your body. The key here is to spend as little time between the sets as possible. This type of training is great for maximum calorie burn, try it once and see what I mean.

These are just a few key things I tell all my clients to truly maximize their efforts. Putting these methods into use will give you guaranteed weight loss when put into action.

Counting Calories - Weight Loss Facts and Figures

If you are looking to lose weight, one of the biggest factors you will have to consider is the nutritional content of the food you consume. It does not mean you have to sit there counting calories; weight loss should not be that boring. However, you should have a rough idea of your daily intake.

Although, no article can give you a list of every single food item, in this article, I will give you the calories found in the food you eat regularly. You will then realise how easy it is to lose weight, by seeing how many calories you need to lose a single pound - you then just build on that.

Chicken breast fillet 150g - 170 (calories)

Lamb chop 30g - 70

Pork chop 30g - 75

Jacket potato 180g - 245

Broccoli, boiled 30g - 7

Celery, raw 40g - 2

Mushrooms, fried 30g - 45

Brown bread, slice - 75

Digestive biscuit - 75

Jam doughnut - 140

Coffee, 250ml, with milk - 18

Coke 330ml - 139

Orange juice 250ml - 110

Whole milk 30ml - 20

Big Mac - 495

Fries, 100g - 250

Pizza slice, 70g - 180

So, there you have a list of the in most of the everyday food we eat. Remember, 1 pound of weight equals 3,500 calories. This may seem a high number, but if you look on the list, you will see that a Big Mac alone contains 495 calories, so, it is the equivalent of about 7 Big Macs. Of course, losing weight is not just about calories - weight loss is about an all-round plan.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Healthy Weight Loss Regimen

If you are going to follow any type of diet to lose weight, it is extremely imperative that you choose one that is healthy, safe, and sustainable for the long-term. Here are some tips on how to distinguish between a healthy weight loss regimen and an unhealthy one:

1. You should not lose muscle mass while on the diet. You should only lose water weight and you should be burning fat directly.

2. You should not starve or go hungry while you are on a diet.

3. You should not eliminate any essential nutrients from your body that your body needs in order to function properly. This includes carbohydrates.

4. Your diet should require you to drink a significant amount of water.

5. You diet should allow for you to eat adequate amounts of food from all four food groups.

6. You should never eat until you are full at any meal. You should only eat until you are satisfied.

7. You should be able to eat at least 3 to 4 times every day.

8. You should not be losing more than a few pounds a week after the first two weeks. During the first two weeks, it is normal to lose a significant amount of weight, but this should taper off. You should not be losing tens of pounds every month, unless your diet plan allows you to take a break for a few days to give your body a rest, before you go back on the rapid-weight loss regimen.

9. Your diet should not require you to eat more of one type of food than any other. Eg) the grapefruit diet.

10. Your diet should not require you to spend exorbitant amounts of money to follow it. You can follow any diet using common sense principles by spending modestly out of your existing grocery budget.